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Nano biotechnology unit


Bio nanotechnology is of great interest among different nanotechnology areas because of its strong adherence to human health. The role that pharmaceutical science contributes to the development of nanotechnology to serve pharmaceutical purposes, both in the field of diagnosis and treatment, is a major role at the heart of bio nanotechnology. The medical field has witnessed therapeutic revolutions through the pharmaceutical activation of nanotechnology with evidence of the emergence of multiple pharmaceutical forms on nanotechnology that have contributed to raising the therapeutic efficiency of medicines and significantly reducing their side effects and toxicity. Biotechnology has also made a great revolution in the medicine and treatment industry and in understanding the genetic and genetic structures of humans. Biopharmaceuticals have revolutionized the treatment of some diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

This role has drawn the attention of specialists in various fields of medical research, which has strengthened the ways of cooperation between different medical disciplines and bio nanotechnology to develop drug research. With its key and innovative role in pharmaceutical research and therapeutic output development, pharmaceutical science is the backbone of the research system in pharmaceutical nanotechnology.

Accordingly, the Department of Pharmaceuticals of the Pharmacy Collage intended to establish a biotechnology research unit that is concerned with the application of bio nanotechnology for pharmaceutical purposes, whether diagnostic, therapeutic or manufacturing.

  1. Facilitate joint cooperation in multidisciplinary research in the field of bio nanotechnology.
  2. Design and evaluation of currently available and innovative nanomaterials for drug delivery applications
  3. Help translate promising Nano pharmaceutical delivery systems and biotechnology products into clinical research.
  4. Active cooperation with local and international research groups and institutions.
  5. Recruiting local and international experts in Nano medicine and biotechnology research to enhance research activity.
  6. Contribute to funding for multidisciplinary research activities in the field of bio nanotechnology, education and development.
  1. Develop new nanomaterials and improve existing nanoscale delivery systems.
  2. Complete characterization and evaluation of nanomaterials and examination of their therapeutic potential.
  3. Synthesizing, purifying, and testing of recombined nucleic acids and proteins for a wide variety of applications.
  4. Create models in the laboratory and in the living body for testing in nano-based diagnostic and treatment applications.
  5. Conduct preclinical studies on the safety and effectiveness of nanomaterials.
  6. To carry out applied research in the field of bio nanotechnology that helps overcome the difficulties facing the health sector.
  7. Training of university students and graduates currently enrolled in academic programs at the university.
  8. Providing scientific expertise to university departments and faculty in the field of nanotechnology and biotechnology.


Contact Info:

Nanobiotechnology unit Supervisor

Dr..Abduallah Alshemimry

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:39am