Dean Message
A Message from the Head of the Department | |
| In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The Pharmacognosy Department aims to achieve the Kingdom's Vision 2030 goals for improved health by providing the nation with distinguished national pharmaceutical professionals. These professionals will apply evidence-based scientific and research methods in the study and utilization of medicinal plants and natural products available in the local environment, contributing to the knowledge economy. The department also aims to produce leaders in the field of pharmacy by providing high-quality education that highlights the pharmacist's role in conveying evidence-based specialized information that aligns with the nature and needs of society. It provides a sophisticated research environment that enables Saudi scientists to utilize medicinal plants and natural products available in the local environment. Pharmacognosy focuses on the study of drugs derived from natural sources (plants, animals, microorganisms, and marine life). The department's courses include methods of collecting, storing, separating, and preparing drug components from nature for use in pharmaceutical preparations. For this purpose, the department teaches various fields, including drug preparation for medicinal use, methods of evaluation and bioactivity of certain drugs, antibiotics, anticancer drugs, enzymes, vaccines, serums, vitamins, hormones, and methods of identifying drugs, toxins, and stimulants. During their studies, students learn about the active pharmaceutical ingredients in natural products, methods of chemically and biologically screening medicinal plants, and the impact of the environment on these factors. In response to societal needs and interests in pharmaceuticals, and to keep pace with expectations in the herbal medicine and nutritional supplement market, students study nutritional supplements, various alternative medicine methods, and methods of evaluating herbal preparations according to internationally recognized standards and evidence-based herbal medicine in various courses. The department also focuses on providing students with the essential skills to critically evaluate studies related to the effects of herbal medicines and provide opinions based on scientific evidence and principles. In the field of research, the department utilizes its affiliated units (the medicinal plant garden and the herbal and alternative medicine unit), and collaborates with the Center for Research on Medicinal, Aromatic, and Poisonous Plants to open up avenues for scientific research and connect it to the realities of the local environment. The department offers a Master's program in Pharmacognosy, which includes twelve advanced specialized courses, along with advanced research programs. It also offers a unique PhD program in Pharmacognosy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which includes eight specialized courses in some precise research aspects, such as studying various modern biotechnology methods for drug production, such as tissue culture, biotransformation, and genetic engineering. Head of the Department Dr. Omar bin Ibrahim Al-Fantuukh |